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Friday 24 February 2012

Vintage Nike Trainers

You are sifting through your closet and what do you find but your old sneakers.  They have been sitting there for more than twenty years, forgotten and gathering dust in the far recesses of your closet, hiding behind your other shoes and random clutter.  But wait, you recently read an article about vintage footwear and you are now wondering if this old pair of shoes might actually be worth something.  It is certainly worth your time to find out as these vintage shoes are making a comeback and are going for a lot of money.  These collectors look for several things in the shoes they purchase, however, so it pays to pay attention to a few tips before you run to the store with an old pair of sneakers.

First it is important to realize that the Nike shoes you have might not make much difference on the market unless they are in good condition.  You are not going to be able to sell a really worn out set of sneakers to anyone unless they happen to be super rare.  As with any other collectible, the better condition they are in, the more money they are worth.  For example, if you had a vintage pair of Nike trainers in good condition you might be able to ear more than $700, but the same pair in excellent shape might be double that or more.  It pays, literally, to have shoes in great shape. 

Second, the rarer the shoe, the more money it is worth.  This is also common sense as we know that if something is very common it is often not worth a lot, especially as a collectors item.  This is simply supply and demand.  Well, if you have a first issue of a shoe that was really popular and they are not around any more then you may have the rare shoe everyone is looking for.  Have a shoe that is rare and in great condition?  You are about to really do well financially!

The final thing to keep in mind is brand.  If you are looking for collectible shoes then you are going to need to see what was really popular in the past, and Nike is one of the best.  So keep your eye on the back of your closet for the rare, name brand, great condition shoes if you want to cash in.  This might also be true of going to garage sales and other places where people might be selling things like this and not even be aware of what they have.  So the next time your spouse tells you to clean out that closet, do so eagerly as you may just find your own personal gold mine.

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