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Friday 13 January 2012

Nike plus, what it is and how to best use it

If you are a fan of Nike or if you’re watching what’s new in the fitness industry, then you’ve probably heard of a new product developed by Nike, called Nike+. This Nike+ program is something that actually combines your Nike shoe to a pedometer that is wireless that you can use in conjunction with your iPod to track your workouts. All you need to do to begin utilizing the Nike+ program you need to equip your iPod with the receiver, which is actually plugged into a certain spot on your Nike shoes, and from there it will sync up and will help you not only track the pace that you’re running, but it will also show you a very wide variety of stats that relate to your workout, that you can use to boost your workout and fitness level. 

While you may think it is going to be an issue to actually look at all of these stats when you are supposed to be running and working out, the Nike+ also has the ability to tell you the information and stats that you are looking for in your ear buds. The look of the iPod menu even changes when you’re using the Nike+ program, changing your center power button into what is called a “power song” button, helping you to see your workout stats, while still listening to your favorite tunes. Tired of worrying about changing your music when you’re in the middle of a growing and intense workout? When you use the Nike+ program, the Nike+ system will actually allow you to press the power song button, and this means that it will play a previously chosen song that it knows will pump up your workout. 

And you can also use the Nike+ program when you’re not working out as well. Once you actually sync up you iPod to your computer, you’ll find that the Nike+ software will actually come up on to your computer, showing you all of the workout stats that you currently have. It shows a video of what you’ve done with the stats, and then it shows the tracking of your workouts as a whole. And there is great celebrity support for the Nike+ program much like Nike’s other advertising and promotional efforts. You’ll find many commercials and testimonials from celebrities who love Nike and Nike+, talking about their power song and their experiences with the Nike+ program, helping to further promote Nike’s new piece of technology. 

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