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Friday 24 February 2012

How to keep your shoes clean and in great condition.

Maybe you have not thought about it, but when you meet someone for the first time, it is interesting to note that your shoes are one of the first things they see.  This can make a lasting impression, so it is important to do everything you can to make this aspect of your clothing as good as it can be.  Most of us have several different types of shoes that we wear on different occasions, but the one type of shoe we often wear the most are athletic shoes and trainers.  Shoes like Nikes are common and serve multiple purposes in everyday life, therefore you are likely to not only own a pair or two but you are also likely to wear them fairly often.

So, what do you do to clean these shoes?  Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take that will make this easier and will provide many benefits to you.  The first step is preventative maintenance.  It is easier to keep shoes looking new if you are making conscious efforts to do so and not if you have shoes that have become grungy and dirty and are now trying to get them looking better.  This means doing basic things like staying away from areas that are going to make your nice shoes dirtier.  Simple decisions about staying away from mud are often overlooked, can be important.  If you do get something on your shoes, wipe it off, using a wet cloth.  Things like this can go a long way in preserving the newness of your sneakers. 

The shape of your shoes can also be messed up over time.  Again, there are things you can do to make sure your shoes hold their shape and are thus cleaner for a longer period of time.  A thing you can do is to untie your shoes before putting them on and taking them off.  Most of us do this, but others leave their shoes tied all the time and slip them on and off.  It is not the laces that cause problems, but you will eventually mess up the heels and thus lose the shape if you continue doing this.  Other than the lace issues, you can take your shoes off at night and place them on a shoe tree.  These devices are able to help keep your shoe's shape after wearing them each day and will extend their life by a long time.  Finally, you can ensure your shoes are waterproofed.  Water can break down your shoes quickly, so if your trainers have leather on them then make sure to put water proof liquid on them to keep the leather from breaking down prematurely.  Follow these steps and you will have cleaner shoes for a longer time!

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